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September 2, 2021
Recent Correspondence

Recent Correspondence Below, you can click on links to all emails we have sent to members: 14/01/2021 – ** IMPORTANT Local Optical Staff Vaccinations – Details of Hospital Hubs ** 03/08/2020 – Urgent and Emergency Eyecare Activity – Repeat Survey 28/07/2020 – ‘Getting Started with PCSE Online’ Webinars: Additional Dates 22/07/2020 – PCSE webinar and update: Getting Started With PCSE…

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September 2, 2021
Archived News

Archived News John Redwood FCOptom (1934-2020) It is with sadness that the LOC announces the death of former Committee member, John Redwood. He was a long-standing member of the LOC and did an enormous amount of work for optometry as a whole. Please click here for more details. Important Information for the Avoidance of Doubt : Examining…

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September 2, 2021
About the LOC

About the LOC Objectives The objectives of the Kent & Medway LOC can be summarized as follows: – To inform, advise and negotiate with NHS England Area Teams (ATs) or Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) on matters affecting, or liable to affect, local contractors and local performers, including, but not limited to: •  the efficient administration…

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August 11, 2021
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March 19, 2021
Opchat News

Primary Health Net’s Latest news:

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March 4, 2021
LOC Home
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