Kent & Medway LOC and GDPR

The LOC is a registered data controller. We collect and process personal data of local contractors and performers principally to ensure that performers and contractors and others interested in the development of primary eye care services receive the latest guidance and advice on important issues relevant to the optical sector, as well as news on extended primary eye care services and thus fulfil our statutory role.  We also collect this information to ensure that interested parties are kept informed about the work of the LOC and the range of support available to local contractors and performers.

Our legal basis for processing personal data is legitimate interest.

For information about how we handle data under GDPR, please read our privacy policy by clicking on the link below.

Primary Eyecare (Kent & Medway) Ltd

Primary Eyecare (Kent & Medway) Ltd is a registered data controller. We collect and process personal data of local contractors and performers principally to ensure that we can fulfil our obligations in the performance and development of Community Services.  We also collect this information to ensure that interested parties are kept informed about the work of Primary Eyecare (Kent & Medway) Ltd and the range of support available to local contractors and performers.

For information about how we handle data under GDPR, please read our privacy policies by clicking on the links below.

K&M LOC Privacy Policy K&M Privacy Policy
PEC K&M Privacy Policy PEC K&M Privacy policy subcontractors
PEC K&M Patient Privacy Policy PEC K&M Privacy Policy Company Patient