About the LOC


The objectives of the Kent & Medway LOC can be summarized as follows:

– To inform, advise and negotiate with NHS England Area Teams (ATs) or Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) on matters affecting, or liable to affect, local contractors and local performers, including, but not limited to:

•  the efficient administration and payment of remuneration in relation to Primary Ophthalmic Services
• the introduction and implementation of any community eye care services
• Hospital Eye Services, in so far as they affect Primary Ophthalmic Services
• complaints against local contractors and local performers in respect of Primary Ophthalmic Services or community eye care services in the area.

– To disseminate information and advice about Primary Ophthalmic Services and community eye care services.

– To assist optometrists to understand and comply with their terms of service and to assist them if dealing with complaints in respect of Primary Ophthalmic Services or community eye care services.

Kent & Medway LOC Constitution KM CONST 2015

LOC Committee Members

Chair: Joseph Treloar

Vice-Chair: Jon Brothwell

Treasurer: Ramu Rao

Administrative Secretary: Charles Greenwood

Committee Members

Tinus Bonthuys
Bhavesh Hansjee
Alan Hawrami
Kirendeep Hayre
Elion Hyseni
Huw Pinney
Lynne Pulley
Siven Reddy
Azzam Shweiki
Umar Vania